The Christmas Turkey is probably the most expensive meat purchase of the year. So you want it to be perfect. The best place to buy a turkey at Christmas is your local butcher. They are the meat experts and will have a buying relationship with the turkey farmer going back years in … [Read more...]
Why is Meat Expensive, or is it?
I have been asked many times over the years, by customers, chefs and farmers, why is meat so expensive? Well, how expensive is the meat on your plate? Let’s take a look at what is involved, but first, let me ask a question:If I buy 10 live cattle from a farmer or at a market, how … [Read more...]
Slow Food: How To Choose And Cook Meats Slowly For Taste
In mid-winter, when the cold chill is upon us, heart-warming casseroles, stews and braises are the order of the day. Your butcher can offer great value on cuts that are perfect for slow cooking. Shin, neck, brisket and chuck are ideal cuts of meat for slow food dishes. A little … [Read more...]
Tallow / Beef Dripping – What Is It & How To Use It?
Some call it tallow, some call it dripping, and people-in-the-know call it the secret ingredient.With the rise of foodie diets, paleo eating, the keto diet, and the (recent) realization that saturated fats aren’t bad for us after all, beef tallow is making a comeback. This is a … [Read more...]
What is Offal?
The term offal refers to the organ meats of animals: Heart, liver, tongue, kidney, sweetbreads etc. These organs are nutritious, inexpensive and most of all delicious. Here's an overview explaining what is offal and I've added some offal recipes to help you get the best from … [Read more...]