In mid-winter, when the cold chill is upon us, heart-warming casseroles, stews and braises are the order of the day. Your butcher can offer great value on cuts that are perfect for slow cooking. Shin, neck, brisket and chuck are ideal cuts of meat for slow food dishes. A little … [Read more...]
Lamb, Pork & Beef Shoulder – Flavoursome and Affordable Cuts
Once relegated to stews and burgers, shoulder cuts have experienced a resurgence in popularity lately. It's a well-deserved revival - roasts, steaks and chops from the shoulder are still some of the most affordable cuts in the butcher’s shop, and they offer rich flavour and … [Read more...]
The Perfect Steak – How to choose it and cook it
What is the perfect steak?There is no such thing as the perfect steak. Your perfect steak won’t be the same as ours, so we need to establish what you are looking for in a steak.If money is not an issue, there are many expensive steaks available, depending on the breed, the land … [Read more...]
Pork Shoulder Roast
I am constantly amazed at the way roasting pork has almost been forgotten. It was a major part of the business years ago, but seems to have fallen out of favour. A good butcher who used full pigs would make sausages, puddings, hazlet, brawn, pork pies, and a host of other pork … [Read more...]