Are Air Fryers the greatest thing since sliced bread?
And if they are what was the greatest thing before sliced bread?Bread itself? … [Read more...]
Best beef cut for stir fry
Stir-frying is a quick and relatively cheap way of cooking meat and vegetables.There are many cuts of meat you can use. Here we look at some options and how to get the best out of them.There are many less expensive and more affordable cuts of meat that you can use. … [Read more...]
How To Cut Picanha – Secret Butcher Cut
The Picanha is a bit of a secret cut, known to aficionados and surprisingly, unknown to many butchers. You may know it by its other names such as culotte, rump cap, rump cover, sirloin cap. Whatever you call it, it is delicious. … [Read more...]
How to buy from a butcher
People regularly tell me they don’t know where to buy good meat. I suggest they start by finding a good butcher, and this raises another question: What to look for in a good butcher?The answer is trust.Find a butcher you can trust and you’ll always get the best quality meat … [Read more...]